Tuesday 14 September 2010

The end...why am I still tired?

So it's Tuesday, just after lunch, in Accenture's Fenchurch Street office, and I could do with a sleep! I have a few minutes until my next appointment and was musing on the last 10 days.

What an absolute ball, with some great friends (some weren't before but I consider them that now), but boy do I feel tired. I think I am missing out on the calorie intake and the relative solitude of sitting in front of a PC, rather than cycling with the wind rushing through my hair, has left me lacking energy.

To name my high points is difficult as there were so many, but there were 3 low points:- 1) when Skanny and Alan left us in Hereford, 2) when I left on Thursday for the day as the team headed to Loch Ness and 3) sitting in the Thai restaurant at the end of the trip (we were all a little empty). Luckily the night then took off and we had a great after trip party in Inverness thanks to Baron Von PJ's negotiation with the bouncer and local bobby's.

For anyone contemplating a trip of this kind....do it!!! You really don't need much preparation, just a few miles in 6 weeks leading up to it and a couple of long rides at the weekends. Your body does remarkable things when properly fuelled (note copious amounts of carb gels worked for me - although a little sickly). Also get yourself a great support crew - Stewart and Rachel did a great job for us and (I think) thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

So to some thanks:

Tim: for starting the idea and convincing us to go for it over the past 6 months - I was looking for excuses to pull out, but your commitment kept me aligned. Also for your superman impression near Craven Arms - Mr Incredible.

Baron Von PJ: for being a caricature of yourself through the trip and the endless moments of humour (usually at your expense). It was great to get to know you and even better to see your dad dancing!...now for the motor driven challenges in the Cotswolds!

Paul: what navigation and memory skills, only surpassed by your incredible snoring skill. I was amazed at your tenacity after struggling through 2 days of injury to complete the trip - top man.

Stanno: nothing left to say; humorous, relaxed, yet strangely competitive (as you realised your hill climing had improved)....Top bloke!

Hawk: sad to see you leave after day 3, but I couldn't have coped with lunch time Guinness drinking through the whole trip!....

Skanny: like a dog with a bone who couldn't wait to get back with the team for the final push. Always a top tourist, but great to see you get past midnight on our night of celebration.

Rachel and Stewart: shouldn't really do a combined tribute, but what a team! We all told you privately how much we appreciated your support, relaxed attitude, thoughtfulness and superb carb laden lunches. The trip wouldn't have worked without you..so thank you and we all hope you enjoyed it as much as us.

So, it's all over; it exceeded expectations, gave us fabulous scenery, provided some dangerous moments, created plenty of laughs, and bonded 9 people over 10 days. What more could you ask for? All capped off by a fantastic welcome from our families on arrival into Birmingham - thanks for the banner's to the Brown and Whiting children - that was a special surprise!

Back to work and to dream of upcoming adventures.

And here is a latin phrase that I came across that I thought was apt for what we've just achieved. "adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit" [add a little to a little and there will be a great heap]

1 comment:

  1. Great summary Dave! I'm in tears! not sure about the strangely competitive? I thought i beat you on most of the hills?!!
